Presented by AP+
Inspiring trust in the digital economy
We are coming back in 2025, Tuesday 25 March - save the date!
Australian Payments Plus presented its inaugural summit focused on payments and identity - Beyond Tomorrow on 13 March 2024 at the International Convention Centre Sydney (ICC Sydney). This year the theme was ‘Inspiring trust in the digital economy‘.
AP+ brought together an impressive line-up of experts and thought leaders from across payments and identity to explore the latest trends, future developments and brilliant thinking across our industry.
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2024 Highlights
Agenda overview
We created an exciting agenda that brought together leading thinkers across payments and identity to share their insights and engage in discussion.
9:00am: Registration and morning tea (sponsored by Swift)
9:50am: Welcome to country
10:10am: MC intro - Brooke Boney
10:15am: Australian Payments Plus, 2 years on - Lynn Kraus, CEO, AP+
10:30am: A conversation with Ellis Connolly, Head of Payments Policy Department, RBA
11:10am: Fighting the good fight
How can we better support and protect people in the relentless battle against scams and fraud. Will advancements in the pipeline for payments and digital identity be enough over the next 10 years? Moderated by Adrian Lovney, Chief Payments & Schemes Officer, AP+.
Toby Evans, Head of Economic Crime, AusPayNet
Jayde Richmond, General Manager, National Anti-Scam Centre, ACCC
Ben Young, Head of Fraud, Westpac
11:50am: Payments & identity – securing the digital economy
There’s a lot of talk around the merging of identity and payments but how do we make that a reality to bring greater security to the digital economy? Could it really be a perfect match? Moderated by Mark Britt, Chief Operating Officer, AP+.
Brad Carr, Executive, Innovation & Partnerships, NAB
Adam Clark, Executive General Manager - Digital Economy, CBA
Dr Scott Farrell, Strategic Counsel, King & Wood Mallesons
Victoria Richardson, Chief Operating Officer, Meeco
12:30pm: Networking lunch (sponsored by CBA)
Payments space (breakout for those with special interest in the payments industry) (sponsored by Monoova)
1:20pm: New Payments Platform (NPP) update
An overview of latest on what is happening with the NPP – PayID, PayTo, international payments and preparations for the retirement of the BECs framework. We’ll also discuss how organisations can leverage data-rich real-time payments to enhance productivity and innovation in the digital economy. Moderated by Katrina Stuart, GM Business Payments, AP+.
Bianca Bates, Managing Director ANZ, J.P. Morgan
Christian Westerlind Wigstrom, CEO & Co-Founder, Monoova
Michael Vanderdonk, CTO, Australian Bond Exchange
Lisa Vasic, Managing Director, ANZ
2:05pm: eInvoicing in action
The digital exchange of invoices between a supplier and buyer’s software or systems, or ‘eInvoicing’, brings clear business benefits. It’s an efficient and less cumbersome way of doing business, enabling a more streamlined procurement process. Why is the NPP an important part of the process? Hear from those who have been part of the eInvoicing solution. Moderated by Marnie Ryan, Head of Product Innovation and Enablement, AP+.
Hari Janakiraman, Head of Industry and Innovation, Transaction Banking, ANZ
Matt Lewis, Director, DSPANZ
Mark Stockwell, Director eInvoicing, ATO
2:50pm: The drivers of choice in payments
Let’s explore what will be the drivers of choice in payments for consumers and businesses over the coming years. How do we ensure everyone in Australia has meaningful choices in payments? Moderated by Dave Ellett, Chief Commercial Officer, AP+.
Hayley Fisher, Country Manager Australia & NZ, Adyen
Ben Pfisterer, CEO & Co-Founder, Zeller
Gunjan Pradhan, Director of Payments, Netflix
Identity space (breakout for those with a special interest in digital identity) sponsored by LAB Group
1:20pm: Making digital identity work
With digital identity solutions live, we’ll explore what use cases are emerging, what benefits are being realised and who is taking advantage of them. How will these develop and extend over time? Moderated by Rick Iversen, Head of Product & Scheme, ConnectID, AP+.
Nick Boudrie, Co-Founder & CEO, LAB Group
Lenka Bradovkova, Executive Director, Identity NSW, Department of Customer Service
Jeremy Goldschmidt, Founder & CEO, RentBetter
2:05pm: Connecting the dots
We’ll explore why interoperability between identity verification systems is so important and what the advantages are that a truly interoperable system can bring. We’ll also discuss how we can deliver it both nationally and internationally. Moderated by Lynn Kraus, CEO, AP+.
Kersti Eesmaa, Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia, Estonian Embassy
John Shepherd, First Assistant Secretary, Digital ID and Data Policy Division, Australian Government Dept of Finance
Jane-Renee Retimana, Chief Strategy and Innovation, Payments NZ
2:50pm: Safety in numbers - making digital identity work for vulnerable communities
There’s an opportunity to make digital identity work not just for business, but to support communities, from preventing children accessing sites such as those for vaping sales, to supporting indigenous and remote communities with their identity. Moderated by Nancy Bryla, Chief General Counsel, AP+.
Jason-Urranndulla Davis, Founder, Hold Access
Linden Dawson, Customer Digital Identity, Senior Product Manager, NAB
Margo Stephen, Minister's Expert Panel on Digital ID, Advisor & Member
3:30pm: Afternoon tea (sponsored by Swift)
4:00pm: Wrap up and motivational speaker - Life Beyond Fear with Mark Mathews - big wave surfer, Red Bull Athlete, and Surf Contest Director
5:00pm: Networking drinks and canapes (sponsored by ANZ)
7:00pm: Event concludes
News and Entertainment Presenter
Head of Payments Policy Department, RBA
Keynote speaker
Big wave surfer, Red Bull Athlete
Closing keynote speaker
Managing Director
J.P. Morgan ANZ
Panel: New Payments Platfrom (NPP) update
Executive Director, Identity NSW, Department of Customer Service
Panel: Making digital identity work
Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer, LAB Group
Panel: Making digital identity work
Executive, Innovation & Partnerships, NAB
Panel: Payments & identity - securing the digital economy
Customer Digital Identity Product Manager
Panel: Safety in numbers
Hold Access
Panel: Safety in numbers
Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia, Estonian Embassy, Canberra
Panel: Connecting the dots
Strategic Counsel
King & Wood Mallesons
Panel: Payments & identity - securing the digital economy
AUNZ Country Manager
Panel: The drivers of choice in payments
Founder & CEO RentBetter
Panel: Making digital identity work
Head of Industry and Innovation, Transaction Banking
ANZ Bank
Panel: eInvoicing in action
CEO and Co-founder
Panel: The drivers of choice in payments
Director Payments Netflix
Panel: The drivers of choice in payments
Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer
Payments NZ
Panel: Connecting the dots
Chief Operating Officer
Panel: Payments & identity - securing the digital economy
GM, National Anti-Scam Centre
Panel: Fighting the good fight
First Assistant Secretary, Digital ID & Data Policy Division
Department of Finance
Panel: Connecting the dots
Minister's Expert Panel on Digital ID Advisor & Member
Panel: Safety in numbers
Managing Director, Transaction Banking, Institutional ANZ
Panel: New Payments Platform (NPP) update
CEO and Co-Founder
Panel: New Payments Platfrom (NPP) update
Head of Fraud
Westpac Group
Panel: Fighting the good fight
AP+ acknowledges the Gadigal People of the Eora nation as the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we are based and pays our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We recognise all Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander peoples ongoing connection to the lands and waters of Australia and thank them for protecting and for their pivotal role in the creation of this beautiful place. Always was and always will be Aboriginal Land.
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